Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
Family Books / Norwood / Gene |
"General" John Norwood and related lines |
Norwood, William Howard, compiled by i[and] n cooperation with James Harvey Norwood, Sr. and Henry Offie Norwood |
Family Books / Ross / I Am |
"I am an American": a biography of Egbert A. Ross |
Royce, E. Allen, III, comp. |
NC Counties / Cabarrus / Prog |
"Progress Magazine" of Concord Telephone Company, September 1983 (includes History of Rocky River Presbyterian Church) |
NC Counties / Union / Pick |
"Sweet Union:" an architectural and historical survey of Union County, North Carolina. |
Pickens, Suzanne S, ed. |
How To / Document / What |
"What Shall I Write" Handbook for Editors of Family and Genealogy Society Newsletters |
Earnest, Corinne |
States / South Carolina / Old |
(Old) Ninety-Six & Abbeville District, South Carolina wills and bonds, Vol. #2 |
Pursley, Larry E |
Family Books / McGinnis / 1700 |
1700 - 2003, My McGinnis history begins to fit: an old Irish family from Ulster comes to North Carolina and then to Georgia. |
McGinnis, Richard W. |
North Carolina / General / 1790 |
1790 Census for North Carolina, Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790, Bicentennial Edition |
United States / General / 1790 |
1790-1890 Federal Population Censuses, Catalog of National Archives Microfilm |
National Archives |
States / South Carolina / Stew |
1800 Census of Pendleton District, South Carolina |
Stewart, William C |
States / South Carolina / 1800 |
1800 Census of South Carolina |
Holcomb, Brent H |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 1800 |
1800 Federal Census, Mecklenburg County, NC |
Family Books / Corzine / 1804 |
1804 Bible of Levi Corzine |
States / South Carolina / 1820 |
1820 Census of the US - South Carolina District - Marion |
States / South Carolina / 1830 |
1830 Census of the US - South Carolina District - Marion |
States / South Carolina / 1840 |
1840 Census of the US - South Carolina District - Marion |
States / South Carolina / 1850 |
1850 Census of Marion County, SC |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 1850 |
1850 Census of Mecklenburg County, NC (Including the Mortality and Slave Schedules) |
Olde Mecklenburg Genealogical Society |
NC Counties / Sampson / 1850 |
1850 Sampson County, North Carolina Census |
Bizzell, Virginia Lohr |
States / South Carolina / 1850 |
1850 U.S. Census, Lexington County, South Carolina |
Schunk, John F., Dr. |
NC Counties / Caldwell / 1860 |
1860 Census of Caldwell County, NC |
Staley, Linda M. and John O. Hawkins |
NC Counties / Polk / 1870 |
1870 Polk County Census, Polk County, NC |
States / Virginia / 1880 |
1880 census of Russell County, Virginia |
Hockett, Thomas J. and Shelia S. Hunt |
NC Counties / Polk / 1880 |
1880 Polk County, NC: Census |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 1948 |
1948 Snips & Cuts, Central High School Annual |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 1949 |
1949 Snips & Cuts, Central High School Annual |
Military / Revolutionary / 1982 |
1982 Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Stic |
200 years in the heart of Charlotte; a history of First Presbyterian Church. |
Stickell, Lois |
How To / Document / 30 Se |
30 Seconds: a guide to organizing your genealogy files |
How To / General / 500 |
500 brickwall solutions to genealogy problems |
Family Chronicle Magazine |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 90 Ye |
90 years on Hawthorne: a history of Hawthorne Lane United Methodist Church |
Dodd, Robert V. and Russell W. Ford and T. R. Lawing, Sr. |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / 9th S |
9th Street Pinewood Cemetery: tombstone inscriptions for rolls 11-14 of burial cards |
Family Books / Hunt / Hous |
A Biography of John Wright Hunt; the interesting life of a North Carolina native |
Houser, Jeffrey J |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Meck |
A brief history of Mecklenburg County. |
Mecklenburg County Public Service and Information Office |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Lest |
A Census of the Davidson College Cemetery, Davidson, North Carolina |
Lester, Malcolm, comp. |
NC Counties / Cabarrus / Hort |
A Century of Progress: the Concord Telephone Company, 1897-1997. |
Horton, Clarence E |
States / South Carolina / Brow |
A City without cobwebs; a history of Rock Hill, South Caroliina. |
Brown, Douglas Summers |
States / South Carolina / Ease |
A Collection of Upper South Carolina genealogical and family records. |
Wooley, James E., ed. |
States / South Carolina / Revi |
A compilation of the original lists of Protestant immigrants to South Carolina, 1763-1773 |
Revill, Janie, comp. |
Family Books / Abernathy / Fami |
A family history; you are here, but how did you get here? |
Beuerlein, Druscilla Truitt |
States / South Carolina / Mile |
A gazetteer containing a concise history of the people, places & events of the area known as east of the Cooper. |
Miles, Suzannah Smith |
Family Books / Herron / Gene |
A genealogical study of Richard Herron (c1810 - c1890) and family of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (a genealogical study in enslavement) |
Herron, Vernon M. |
Family Books / Gregory / Greg |
A Gregory colonial family [Excerpts from] |
Gregory, Ben T |
Irish / General / Clar |
A Guide to copies & abstracts of Irish wills. |
Clare, Wallace, ed. |
Family Books / Hartsell / Sech |
A Hartsell-Hirzel history and genealogy four hundred twelve years, 1580-192, from Switzerland to Germany, from Germany to Pennsylvania, from Pennsylvania to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina prior to 25 June 1764 |
Sechler, Eunice Lee Hartsell |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Stow |
A History of Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church |
Stowe, Joe, comp. |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Will |
A History of First Presbyterian Church, 1821-1983 |
Williams, Elizabeth |
States / South Carolina / Land |
A History of South Carolina, 1865-1960. |
Lander, Ernest McPherson |
Family Books / Garrison / Husb |
A History of the descendants of David Garrison, Sr. of Mecklenburg County, N. C. |
Husband, Cornelia Garrison, comp. |
Family Books / Barringer / Sigm |
A History of the Matthias Barringer, Jr. family of Catawba, Lincoln & Mecklenburg Counties, North Carolina, and their descendants. |
Sigmon, Douglas P |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Keev |
A History of the Methodist Home, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1943-1992. |
Keever, Catherine & Carollyn Eargle. |
United States / General / Hist |
A History of the public land policies. |
Hibbard, Benjamin Horace |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / McGe |
A History of the Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church, Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, North Carolina |
McGeachy, Neill Roderick |
States / South Carolina / Loga |
A History of the upper country of South Carolina, from the earliest periods to the close of the War of Independence. Vol. 1. |
Logan, John H |
Family Books / Davidson / Davi |
A Life in antebellum Charlotte; the private journal of Sarah F. Davidson, 1837 |
Davidson, Sarah F |
States / Georgia / Coul |
A List of the early settlers of Georgia |
Coulter, E Merton and Albert B Saye, eds. |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Litt |
A Little Charlotte scrapbook |
Kratt, Mary Norton |
NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Ferg |
A Petition, 1792, & Tax Lists, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1815, 1823, & 1824 |
Ferguson, Herman |
States / South Carolina / Jord |
A place called St. John's: the story of John's, Edisto, Wadmalaw, Kiawah, and Seabrook Islands of South Carolina. |
Jordan, Laylon Wayne & Elizabeth H. Stringfellow. |
Family Books / Dover / Son |
A Son named Charles, a biography of Charles I. Dover |
Camp, Sue C., and Hendricks, Garland A. |
Family Books / Spurlin / Spur |
A Spurlin family in America |
Spurlin, Quincy Haggard |
Family Books / Pryor / Stud |
A study in lineage of the Wiley Pryor family of the Carolinas |
Johnson, Melvin B. |
How To / General / A To |
A To Zax |
Evans, Barbara Jean |
NC Counties / Stanly / Aban |
Abandoned cemeteries of Stanly County |
Stanly County Genealogical Society |
German / General / ABCs |
ABCs of German-American Migration, Annotated Guide to German-American Migration Records |
Haller, Charles R. |
United States / General / Abri |
Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy: First Families of America, Vol III |
Virkus, Frederick A. |
United States / General / Abri |
Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy: First Families of America, Vol. II |
Virkus, Frederick |
North Carolina / General / Abst |
Abstract of North Carolina Wills from About 1760 to About 1800, Supplementing Grimes' Abstract of North Carolina Wills 1663 -1760 |
Olds, Fred A. |
NC Counties / Burke / Abst |
Abstraction and Index to Burke County, North Carolina: Inventories of Sales of Estates 1832-1838 |
Hedstom, Jackie Browning |
States / South Carolina / Will / Eadd |
Abstracts from Williamsburg County equity records 1823-1870 |
Eaddy, Elaine Y and Mary R. Reid |
States / South Carolina / Abst |
Abstracts of Conveyances, Marlborough County, SC (1786-1799); Marloborough District, SC (1802-1808) - Volumes B-1, B, and E-1 |
Hendrix, Gwen D |
NC Counties / Chatham / Abst |
Abstracts of Court Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Session of Chatham County, NC - 1774-1778 |
Cooper, J. M. |
NC Counties / Anson / Abst |
Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books 4, 7, and B2 |
Pruitt, Dr. A. B. |
NC Counties / Anson / Abst |
Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books D, C2, and E |
Pruitt, Dr. A. B. |
NC Counties / Anson / Abst |
Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books H1, K, and H |
Pruitt, Dr. A. B. |
NC Counties / Edgecombe / Abst |
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1759-1772 |
Watson, Joseph W. |
NC Counties / Granville / Abst |
Abstracts of Early Deeds of Granville County, NC - 1746-1765 |
Gwynn, Zae Hargett |
NC Counties / Cabarrus / Abst |
Abstracts of Land Surveys and Warrants: Cabarrus County, NC 1792-1916 |
Pruitt, Dr. A. B. |
States / South Carolina / Abst |
Abstracts of Laurens County, South Carolina Deeds - 1785 - 1793 |
Vehorn, Larry |
NC Counties / Guilford / Abst |
Abstracts of Marriage Bonds and Additional Data of Guilford County, NC 1771-1840, Vol. I |
Thompson, Ruth and Louisse Hartgrove |
NC Counties / Guilford / Abst |
Abstracts of Marriage Bonds and Additional Data of Guilford County, NC 1841-1868, Vol. II |
Thompson, Ruth and Louisse Hartgrove |
NC Counties / Cumberland / Abst |
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, NC - Vol. 1 - 1779-1791 |
Fields, William C. |
NC Counties / Cumberland / Abst |
Abstracts of Minutes Of the Court of Pleas And Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, NC, Vol. 2 - 1779-1791 |
Fields, William C. |
NC Counties / Cumberland / Abst |
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Cumberland County - October 1755 - January 1779 Vol. I |
Fields, William C. |
States / South Carolina / Abst |
Abstracts of Old Ninety-six and Abbeville District wills and bonds as on file in the Abbeville, South Carolina, Courthouse |
Young, Willie Pauline |
NC Counties / Sampson / Abst |
Abstracts of Sampson County, North Carolina: Wills 1784-1895 |
Bass, Cora |
NC Counties / Rowan / Abst |
Abstracts of the Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1785 |
Linn, Jo White |
NC Counties / Franklin / Abst |
Abstracts of the Early Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina 1779-1797 |
Watson, Joseph W. |
NC Counties / Rowan / Abst |
Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1762 |
Linn, Jo White |
NC Counties / Rowan / Abst |
Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1763-1774 |
Linn, Jo White |
NC Counties / Rowan / Abst |
Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1775-1789 Vol. III |
Linn, Jo White |
NC Counties / Granville / Abst |
Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County, NC - 1808-1833 Vol. II |
Gwynn, Zae Hargett |
NC Counties / Granville / Abst |
Abstracts of the wills and estate records of Granville County, North Carolina, 1746 - 1808. |
Gwynn, Zae Hargett |
States / South Carolina / Abst |
Abstracts of the wills of the state of South Carolina, 1740-1760 |
Moore, Caroline T., compiled and edited by |
States / South Carolina / Abst |
Abstracts of the wills of the state of South Carolina, 1760-1784 |
Moore, Caroline T., compiled and edited by |
North Carolina / General / Abst |
Abstracts of Vital Records From Raleigh, North Carolina Newspapers 1799 - 1819 |
Neal, Lois Smathers |
NC Counties / Iredell / Abst |
Abstracts of Will Books I, IA and II of Iredell County, NC 1788 -1845 |
Schneider, Lois M. P. |
NC Counties / Edgecombe / Abst |
Abstracts of Wills - Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1733-1856 |
Williams, Ruth Smith and Margarette Glenn Griffin |
NC Counties / Rowan / Abst |
Abstracts of Wills and Estate Records of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1805, and Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778 |
Linn, Jo White |
NC Counties / Currituck / Abst |
Abstracts of Wills and Other Records: Currituck and Dare Counties, North Carolina (1663-1850) |
Jones, Gordon C. |
NC Counties/ Bladen/ Abst |
Abstracts of wills Bladen County, North Carolina (1734-1900) |
Campbell, Wanda S |
NC Counties / Orange / Abst |
Abstracts of Wills Orange County, NC 1752 -1850 (202 Marrages Not Shown in the Orange County Marriage Bonds) |
Shields, Ruth Herndon |
NC Counties / Granville / Hoff |
Abstracts: Granville Grantees, Halifax County, North Carolina Public Registry, 1749-1763. |
Hofmann, Margaret M |
States / Georgia / Acwo |
Acworth, Georgia, from Cherokee Country to Suburbia |
Carrie Dyer Woman's Club |
States / Mississippi / Adam |
Adams County, Mississippi; minutes of the County Court, 1802-1804 |
Work Project Administration. The Mississippi Historical Survey |
Miltary / Civil War / Purs |
Additional information and amendments to the North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865, seventeen volume roster |
Purser, Charles E, Jr. |
States / South Carolina / Begl |
African American genealogical research |
Begley, Paul R and Steven D. Tutle |
States / Virginia / Agus |
Agusta County marriages, 1748 - 1850 |
Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. |
States / Alabama / Alab |
Alabama Series, Vol. II - Deaths 1846-1890 |
Foley, Helen S. |
States / Alabama / Alab |
Alabama: past and future |
Yeuell, Gladstone H. and Charles G. Summersell and William R. Higgs |
NC Counties / Alamance / Alam |
Alamance County, North Carolina: 1850 Census with Ancestors and Descendants of Selected Families |
Chiarito, Marian Dodson |
NC Counties / Stanly / Albe |
Albemarle, Stanly County Centennial 1857-1957 |
Foglia, Virginia S., ed |
Family Books / Alexander / Alex |
Alexander kin, Volume II |
Alexander, Charles C. and Virginia W. |
United States / General / Alis |
Alistair Cooke's America |
Cooke, Alistair |
Family Books / Pitt / Alle |
Allegorical Mr. Pitt, a bicentennial biography |
Parks, Eric Langford and Louis E. Reid, Jr |
United States / General / Amer |
America 1585, The Complete Drawings of John White |
Hulton, Paul |
Military / War of 1812 / Amer |
America at War - The War of 1812 |
Greenblatt, Miriam |
How To / Research / Amer |
America's best genealogy resource centers |
Dollarhide, William and Ronald A Bremer |
United States / General / Amer |
American Colonists in English Records |
North Carolina / General / Amer |
American Guide Series NC, A Guide to the Old North State |
Federal Works Agency, State of NC |
Native American / General / Amer |
American Indian in North Carolina |
Rights, Douglas L. |
Native American / General / Amer |
American Indians; a select catalog of National Archives microfilm publications |
United States / General / Amer |
American Library Directory, Vols 1-2, 55th Edition 2002-2003 |
United States / General / Amer |
American Loyalist Claims |
Coldham, Peter Wilson |
Military / General / Amer |
American Military History 1607-1958, Headquarters, Department of the Army July 1959 |
Military / General / Amer |
American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796 |
Clark, Murtie June |
How To / Research / Pine |
American origins. |
Pine, L G |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 1 1789-1809 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 2 1809-1815 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 3 1815-1824 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 4 1823-1827 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 5 1827-1829 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 6 1828-1834 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 7 1834 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 8 1835-1837 Public Lands |
Gales and Seaton |
United States / General / Amer |
American State Papers Vol. 9 1790-1823 Claims |
Gales and Seaton |
States / Mississippi / Amit |
Amite County, Mississippi, 1699-1865, Volume 2, The Churches |
Casey, Albert E. |
States / Mississippi / Amit |
Amite County, Mississippi, 1699-1890, Volume 3, The Environs |
Casey, Albert E. |
States / South Carolina / Hewa |
An Historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. |
Hewatt, Alexander |
North Carolina / General / Wats |
An Independent people; the way we lived in North Carolina, 1770-1820. |
Watson, Harry L |
Family Books / Isham / Isha |
An index of the Ishams in England and America; nine hundred years of history and genealogy |
Isham, Edward Paul, comp. |
How To / Research / Hoff |
An Intermediate short, short course in the use of some North Carolina records in genealogical research. |
Hoffman, Margaret M |
Family Books / Osburn / Blak |
An Osburn family, 1750-1970; family of Jesse Osburn & W/Elizabeth Lemaster, including their known issue. |
Blakey, Josie (Walker), comp. |
Scots - Irish / General / Ance |
Ancestor Trail in Ireland |
Begley, Donal F. |
How To / Research / Ance |
Ancestors, A Beginner's Guide to Family History & Genealogy |
Willard, Jim and Terry with Jane Wilson |
Family Books / Ford / Stor |
Ancestors: The story of the Ford and related families |
Ford, Russell W., Jr. |
Family Books / Reeves / Ance |
Ancestral sketches |
Reeves, Le Roy |
Family Books / Rinehart / Andr |
Andreas (Andrew) Rinehart (Born Germany circa 1735; died Mecklenburg County, NC 1785), and some of his direct line of male descendants including Jacob Rinehart, Senior; Jacob Rinehart, Junior; John Rhinehart; Washington Hilum Rinehart; Bennett Edward Rinehart. |
Rinehart, Richard and Marie |
Family Books / Jackson / Marq |
Andrew Jackson, portrait of a President |
Marquis, James |
Family Books / Jackson / Marq |
Andrew Jackson, the border Captain |
Marquis, James |
Family Books / Andrews / Andr |
Andrews family of Orange and Chatham Counties, NC |
Routh, L. and Betty Holland |
NC Counties / Lincoln / Anna |
Annals of Lincoln County, NC Containing Interesting and Authentic Facts of Lincoln County History Through the Years 1749-1937 |
Sherrill, William L. |
States / Virginia / Anna |
Annals of Southwest Virginia, 1769 - 1800, Botetourt, Fincastle, Montgomery, Washighton, Wythe, Vol 1-2 |
Summers, Lewis Preston |
NC Counties / Anson / Anso |
Anson County , North Carolina, Abstract of Wills - 1750-1880 |
Carpenter, Reva N. |
NC Counties / Anson / Anso |
Anson County, North Carolina: Abstracts of Early Records |
McBee, May Wilson |
North Carolina / General / John |
Ante-bellum North Carolina; a social history. |
Johnson, Guion Griffis |
States / Arkansas / Arka |
Arkansas Writers Project |
NC Counties / Lincoln / Harp |
Around Denver. |
Harpe, Jason L. and Matt Boles |
Family Books / Olmsted / Arth |
Arthur George Olmsted, son of a Pennsylvania pioneer; boy orator of Ulysses, For the freedom of the slave; Defense of the union; Development of the Northern tier; citizen, jurist, statesman. |
Stone, Rufus Barrett |
Family Books / Ash / Ash |
Ash - Ashe - Stillwell: a genealogy and history |
Ashe, John |
NC Counties / Buncomb / Gree |
Asheville; a postcard history, vol. 1 |
Greenberg, Sue and Jan Kahn |
States / South Carolina / Asso |
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Death & Marriage Notices from The Christian Magazine of the South, The Erskine Miscellany, and The Due West Telescope, 1843-1863 |
Ware, Lowry |
States / South Carolina / Asso |
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Death & Marriage Notices, Volume II: 1866-1888 |
Ware, Lowry |
States / Georgia / Atla |
Atlanta Resurgens - The First Hundred Years of a City's Progress, Promise and Philosophy |
States / Pennsylvania / Beer |
Atlas of Indiana Co., Pennsylvania. From actual surveys by and under the direction of F. W. Beers. |
Military / Civil War / Atla |
Atlas of the Civil War |
McPherson, James M. |
Family Books / Osborne / Auto |
Autobiography of Edwin Augustus Young Osborne (1837-1926) |
Osborne, Edwin |
NC Counties / Alamance / Back |
Back to Bethel - Bethel United Methodist Church of Alamance County, NC - Cemetery Survey 1840s-1987 |
McPherson, Mae |
North Carolina / General / Badi |
Badin, North Carolina; the first 100 years. |
Family Books / Ball / Ball |
Ball - Slaves in the Family |
Ball, Edward |
Family Books / Ballard / Ball |
Ballards of America newsletter |
Family Books / Ballew / Ball |
Ballew Family Journal, 1984-1999 |
Family Books / Ballew / Ball |
Ballew Family Journal, 2000-2008 |
Family Books / Ballew / Ball |
Ballew Family Journal, 2009 |
NC Counties / Avery / Bals |
Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Mountain; a tale of the Western North Carolina Mountains |
Dugger, Shepherd M. |
States / Maryland / Bapt |
Baptismal Records of Apple's Church (Lutheran and Reformed) (near Thurmont, Maryland) 1773-1848 |
NC Counties / Cabarrus / Bapt |
Baptisms of St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cabarrus County NC from 1800 to 1847 Translated from the German |
United States / General / Barb |
Barbados Records, Wills and Administrations, Vol. II 1681-1700 |
Sanders, Joanne McRee |
Family Books / Barnard /Barn |
Barnard - Walldan and allied families. |
Barnard, Gladys Walldan. |
Family Books / Barnett / Barn |
Barnett and Henderson |
Barnett, William, and Thelma Hayes |
Family Books / Barnett / Barn |
Barnett, a good Mecklenburg name |
Barnett, Bill |
Family Books / Barr / Barr |
Barr family tracker |
Barr, Michael G |
Family Books / Barrow / Barr |
Barrow family of Virginia, 1620-1972 |
North, Mae B. |
States / Indiana / Bart |
Bartholomew County Indiana, Early Marriage Records, 1821-1838 |
Ridlen, Colleen Alice |
States / South Carolina / Batt |
Batesburg-Leesville area history. |
The Batesburg-Leesville Chamber of Commerce, comp. |
Military / Civil War / Batt |
Battle of Bentonville |
Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr. |
Military / Civil War / Batt |
Battlefield Atlas of the Civil War |
Symonds, Craig L. |
Military / Revolutionary / Lips |
Battles, skirmishes, and actions of the American Revolution in South Carolina. |
Lipscomb, Terry W |
How To / Research / BCG |
BCG Genealogical Standards Manual |
BCG Certification of Genealogists |
Family Books / Bearden / Bear |
Bearden family group sheets: Bearden, Ramsey, Steadman, Coggins, and Smith |
Humphries, Marion Bearden |
Family Books / Beatty / Beat |
Beatty-Asfordby; the ancestry of John Beatty and Susanna Asfordby, with some of their descendants. |
Turk, Mrs. Samuel Rudolph |
How To / General / Beco |
Becoming An Accredited Genealogist, Plus 100 Tips to Ensure Your Success |
Clifford, Karen |
States / Tennessee / Bedf |
Bedford County, Tennessee - Bible Records Vol. 1 |
Marsh, Helen and Timothy |
Family Books / Belk / Belk |
Belk, Inc: the company and the family that built it |
Covington, Howard E., Jr. |
Family Books / Bennett / Benn |
Bennett family group sheets: Bennett, Godshall, Rogers, Thornton, Kingsmore, Young, Webb, Washington, and Meece |
Humphries, Thomas G., Jr. |
Church / Lutheran / Best |
Best is yet to come! [The History of the Int'l Lutheran Laymen's League] |
Pankow, Fred and Edith |
States / South Carolina / Beth |
Bethany Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Cemetery. |
States / Virginia / Beth |
Bethel and her ministers, 1746 - 1974 |
Turner, Herbert S. |
States / South Carolina / Cald |
Bethel Churchyard |
Caldwell, T J and J E Hart, Jr. |
States / South Carolina / Beth |
Bethel Presbyterian Church, York County, South Carolina, Bethel Cemetery |
Jackson, John H., Rev. |